Parua Bay School Before & After School Care PARENT INFORMATION COVERAGE (T&C)
This service is open to parents of Parua Bay School and Whangarei Heads School*
* A pick up and drop off service is available, at an extra charge, for students of Whangarei Heads School
ENROLMENT - Enrolment is finalised upon completion of registration & enrolment with Aimy Plus. It is your responsibility to advise us immediately should any information provided on the original enrolment change, e.g. contact details, custody arrangements, medical conditions etc.
It is critical that we have up to date information.
HOURS OF OPERATION - Before School Care After School Care Session 1: 7:00am - 8:45am Session 2: 7:30am - 8:45am Session 1: 2:45pm - 4:30pm Session2: 2:45pm - 5:30pm BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE (BASC) CONTACT 027 446 8796 This phone will be monitored 7.00am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday New bookings/changes to existing bookings
SAME DAY: Parents/caregivers must text the BASC phone for: changes to existing bookings on the same day or to make a new casual booking on the same day
Morning Sessions: text must be sent before the booked session starts.
Afternoon sessions: text must be sent no later than 12.00pm.
If you have not received confirmation of your message by 1.30pm please phone the school office on 436 5814
New Bookings/Changes to existing bookings for next day, or later: Please email
BREAKFAST AND AFTERNOON TEA We will provide breakfast and afternoon tea during the Before/After School Care Programme. Please make sure that your child does not bring sweets or unhealthy food.
ABSENCES Once your child’s name is on the roll, we expect them to be at the programme unless we have been notified by the Parent/Caregiver.
There will be no refunds for non-attendance/absences or sickness.
SIGNING YOUR CHILD ‘IN’ AND ‘OUT’ We need to know that your child has gone home safely. Each day when you collect your child, it is essential that you sign your child ‘out’ via the daily roll on Aimy- the Team Leader will show you where this is.
COLLECTING YOUR CHILD Please let us know when anyone other than persons names on your enrolment will be collecting your child.
Details must be notified to the After School Care Administrator, in advance.
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES - Please see the school office if you wish to view any of our policies or procedures.
FEES & INVOICING - All Fees are as per the Fee Schedule. Fees include GST and are subject to change.
Parents/Caregivers please book for the full term if you require a regular session each week, you will be invoiced per term.
For students attending both Parua Bay School & Whangarei Heads School, invoices will be emailed to you on completion of your booking via Xero.
Casual bookings will be invoiced after the child’s attendance and must be paid on receipt of invoice.
To be able to operate this service, we require that fees be paid on a regular basis, 7 days in advance.
Under no circumstances may accounts go into arrears.
Cash is not accepted, Fees can be paid via internet baking to: Parua Bay School BoT Bank Account: 12 3092 0070244 00 Code: Child’s name Reference: ASC
WORK AND INCOME OSCAR SUBSIDIES We hope to re-establish the OSCAR approved Ministry of Social Development subsidy in time for term 1 ( this may be backdated to the previous term).
WELLBEING, HEALTH & SAFETY - We aim to provide a healthy environment for all children in our programmes. At all times we will comply with all relevant health and safety legislation. Where applicable, if a child has a medical condition parents must provide the programme with a Medication Plan (see Enrolment sheet). CODE OF CONDUCT &
BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT - This service is about providing a caring environment for your children and we encourage a similar attitude amongst the children. We actively promote the Parua Bay School values of Relationships, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility and maintain an emphasis on being polite, considerate and co-operative.
Behavioural expectations are regularly explained to the children and they have input to the creation and review of programme rules and boundaries.
If a child’s behaviour is at odds with our school values a Programme Assistant, or the Team Leader, will discuss the inappropriate behaviour in the first instance with the child. If the behaviour does not improve after three such discussions, the parent will be contacted.
If the child’s behaviour is of a serious nature, the Team Leader will immediately contact the parent who will be asked to collect their child.
The Team Leader reserves the right to stop the participation of the child in After School Care, for a period of time. If a parent has any questions or issue with how a child’s behaviour is being managed, please discuss with the Team Leader, in the first instance.
SICK CHILDREN - If your child is unwell, please keep them home until fully recovered. If a child becomes unwell or upset, we will contact the parent/caregiver.
GENERAL HYGIENE - Measures will be taken by all programme staff to control the spread of infection. Good hygiene practices will be followed, for example regular hand washing.
ACCIDENTS AND FIRST AID - All staff are first-aid trained and a first aid kit is held on site. If a serious accident should occur the usual first aid procedures will be followed including contacting parents and emergency services.
MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS - Please advise the Team Leader of any medication that is to be administered by the programme staff.
A Parua Bay School Medication Plan must be completed. You will also need to supply all prescription medication in its original bottle with the child’s name, appropriate dosage and use-by date.
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - Evacuation and lockdown procedures will be displayed and practised at least once a term.
NO SMOKING - Schools are smoke and vape-free zones. We do not allow staff, parents, visitors or others to smoke or vape in or around school grounds.
CHILD PROTECTION - Programme staff will respond to concerns of child welfare. This may include contacting the child’s parents/caregiver in the first instance. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY Parents/Caregivers may be liable for replacement costs of equipment or property damaged by their child(ren).
CLOTHING - To ensure the wellbeing and safety of your child, please ensure that they are always dressed appropriately and comfortably for both indoor and outdoor play. Please pack spare clothes during winter months. All clothing must be clearly named. We do not carry spare clothing for spills, mishaps or inadequate clothing for the conditions.
SUNSMART - TERMS 1 & 4 Students are required to provide and wear a hat when playing outside, during terms 1 and 4. Children without a hat are only permitted to play in supervised/allocated shaded areas. SPF 50+ Broad Spectrum sunscreen will be made available to all children.
If your child requires special sunscreen please provide this.
Shade will be utilised for outdoor activities, where appropriate, in Term 1 and 4. Water will be made available for children to drink at all times.